Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Looking on the Bright Side while Walking Dead.

So, if I could give a name to the day I just had, it would be "Fear the Walking Dead".  With me as the tottering meat puppet.  Seriously.  

It's just been that kind of day.  

I have this friend named Kris and sometimes when she reaches her limit, she says she's ready to "check out".  I felt like taking a page out of her book.

But here's the thing.  When you feel like that...when you're tired, and exhausted, and you've had one hell of a day, and people won't do their jobs and that impacts you personally, and you can't get all the stuff done that is just begging to be done...you have to keep pushing forward.  You have to get up, you have to move, you have to keep doing.

So here's what's good about today: (besides the fact that it's almost over) my 3 year old asked me for a cup of milk and then thanked me.  She often does that.  She shows an emotional sensitivity beyond her years, and she does it often.

My oldest son is doing well in school.

My oldest daughter is doing well in school.

Real estate is booming.  

Fall is around the corner.

I didn't kill my hydrangeas.

One of my favorite adopted kids brought a miniature dachsund to my house.  

I saw one of my other favorite adopted kids this morning. (Hi, D!)

I get to go to bed soon.

I got to talk to my brother.  

Our high school band is doing a Game of Thrones halftime show. Killer.

I don't have leprosy.

I don't have a Guinea worm.

It's September.

This is getting out of hand.

So, yeah...life is very hard.  Sometimes we are faced with changes and decisions that alter everything.  But, I promise you, when that happens, there's almost always something good waiting to balance it out.  It just takes a little time to get there.

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