Friday, May 6, 2016

Rome Wasn't Built in a Day or This Calls for a Cliche

I'm sitting here after an exhausting day of running errands back and forth, and in between times trying to get my son's room ready for his arrival from the hospital.

I sound like a mom-to-be.

I wish it was a nursery.  I wish we could start over.  In an odd way, it feels like that.  He's being discharged from the hospital.  I found this out on Friday.  We had a very intense family council about the best way to handle this and now, here we are. I'm excited and nervous and scared. A lot of people have asked me, What if nothing has changed?  And believe me, I have thought about that.  The only answer I have is that this is a one step at a time thing.  God is opening the doors, not me.

But yes, I am exhausted.  My house looks like a bomb went off, full of shrapnel made out of Legos and Barbie dresses and plastic dinosaurs. I ache all over and my nose is stuffy.  I want to crawl into bed and cover my head up and sleep and sleep.

But I sat down in this chair instead and thought, Rome wasn't built in a day.  I hate cliches.  "pretty as a picture" "cute as a button" "hotter than hell" I hate them...overused and so much a part of our vernacular that people don't pay attention to the way they actually sound. This time, though, it was appropriate.  I can't do all this in one day.  It would take a Roman army.  I might get up from this chair again and move some things around and say that I did something.

Or I might just sit here and relax. After all, tomorrow is another day.

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