Yesterday I took advantage of the somewhat mild weather and walked with my oldest son to his favorite fishing spot. He wanted to check his fishing traps and I wanted to spend some time with him.
At one point we had to go down a steep bank and jump over a gully. I complained to him, "Didn't you stop to think that your poor old mother would have to jump over this when you went this way?"
He stared at me for a minute with a bemused expression on his face. "Whatever, mom, you exercise!"
This made my day. I am not super skinny. I'm just not built that way. But I try to stay healthy and I do work out at least three times a week. I didn't think he really paid attention, but he does! And if he pays attention and notices something like that, then that means my oldest daughter does, too.
What's the moral of the story? That we, as mothers, sometimes think that how we treat ourselves goes unnoticed by our children, but it doesn't. My kids notice that I take care of myself. I hope that this influences them in a good way and teaches them that taking care of yourself and taking the time you need to stay healthy is time well spent.